Friday, July 17, 2020

Palm Springs

I've always enjoyed Andy Samberg. I've delighted in his hilarious SNL musical videos and I've always appreciated his oddball goofy humour but I can't say I've loved any of Andy Samberg movies; that is until now. I flipped on Palm Springs on a whim because my wife likes romantic comedies and I thought, why not. Pandemic viewing has set the bar low. So I had no idea of the fun I was about to get into. I didn't really know the premise except there was a wedding going on in Palm Springs and Andy plays Nyles, boyfriend of the Bride's friend. Nyles ends up having a relationship with the bride's sister, Sarah, played by Cristin Milioti. That's all I knew going in. I'm reluctant to tell you more. So, spoiler alert. If you leave this review now, I will guarantee you will have more fun going in cold. But read on if you must. What's going here. It's Groundhog Day as if you walked into the middle of that movie. Nyles has been living in his time-loop day for a long long time and he knows the ins and outs of this wedding and all the players in it. It's truly a lot of fun and Samberg and Milioti have great on screen chemistry. J. K. Simmons plays the bad guy and his is wonderful as he always is.
Catch this delightful film streaming on Hulu.