Sunday, January 2, 2022

Swan Song


I will have to update my list of best films of 2021 with this one. Swan Song stars Mahershala Ali as Cameron in a not so distant future where friendly robots offer you candy bars and oat milk coffees on light rail transit It's a future where there is lots of automation and things look great (looks like the pandemic is over too! Hooray!) but sadly they don't seem to have been able to cure cancer or whatever malady Cameron has (seems like an inoperable brain cancer if I were a guessing movie doctor). Anyway, in this future they can make an exact clone of you and transfer all your memories to it so you can have a perfect doppelganger to replace you in your life when you die and your family won't be any the wiser - if you want to. Yes it sounds ridiculous but if you are willing to buy the premise, then what we have here is more than just a philosophic thought experiment (and it's a good one) thanks to smart script and a knock out emotional performance by Ali. He elevates the material to something that is believable and truly affecting. I must say I teared up at this one. He is nominated for a Golden Globe and he deserves it for sure. And the movie doesn't go dumb at the end where it could have easily gone. Catch this smart Sci-fi drama streaming on Apple+.

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