Friday, September 30, 2022

Halloween 2022 - Special Horror Film Post

Well with my favourite holiday season around the corner, Halloween, I thought I would give you a few lists of what you might want to watch this October.

Let's start with a list (Thirty!) of my

Favourite horror movies of all time:

1. John Carpenter's The Thing - My favourite horror movie of all time. "I suggest we prepare our own meals and only eat out of cans." I'm sure this is a phrase we used during the COVID pandemic. If you have never watched this one, you are in for something special. Kurt Russell battles a space monster in Antarctica.

2. Jaws. Not only one of my favourite horror movies but one of my favourtie movies of all time. You are going to need a bigger bowl of popcorn.

3. Alien - Ridley Scott's other space masterpiece ("Blade Runner" being the first).

4. Halloween - this one gave me nightmares for months when I was a kid. There might be a few follow up films I believe (wink). directed by John Carpenter

5. The Shining - Check into the Overlook Hotel and have a bath. directed by Stanley Kubrick

6. The Conjuring - Let's play the clap game! directed by James Wan

7. Poltergeist - Ghosts are unhappy with urban sprawl directed by Tobe Hooper

8. Silence of the Lambs - Enjoy this one with your favourite Chianti. directed by Jonathan Demme

9. Nightmare on Elm Street - Don't fall asleep, bitch! directed by Wes Craven

10. Invasion of Body Snatchers (1978) - People turn into Mr. Spock, starring Spock. 

11. Hereditary - Allergy alert! This one is nuts! 

12. The Babadook - Your favourite kid's book!

13. Jeepers Creepers - Scarecrows are mean and scary. 

14. Barbarian - The worst dark basement adventure ever.

15. Psycho - Check into the Bates Motel and have a shower. directed by Alfred Hitchcock

16. The Ring - Girl in well needs a haircut and makeover 

17. Crawl - Competitive swimmer finds the right motivational coach 

18. Don't Breathe - Home invasion goes wrong, get out the turkey baster.

19. Us - Home invasion with red jumpsuits, "Siri, call the police" directed by Jordan Peele

20. Saw - "I want to play a game." No thanks! directed by James Wan

21. Dead Ringers - Twin gynecologists do drugs and have sex. directed by David Cronenberg

22. Hellraiser - The Rubik's Cube from hell! directed by Clive Barker

23. The Cell - visually breathtaking, J Lo and Vince Vaughn go into the mind of a serial killer

24. Event Horizon - Black holes drive people nuts!

25. Freaks (1932) - Cirque du Soleil, not!

26. The Manitou - Tony Curtis (Jamie Lee's dad) was in this bananas horror movie

27. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors - I just love this one!

28. The Fly (1986) - Scientist and fly have a bromance. directed by David Cronenberg

29. Scream - tips on how to survive a horror movie. directed by Wes Craven

30. Evil Dead II - relaxing with a book at the cottage. directed by Sam Raimi

Favourite Zombie Films

1. Night of the Living Dead (1968) - The real monsters are racists. This is the film which gave us our contemporary version of the zombie. This is George A. Romero's classic and it's brilliant. 

2. Dawn of the Dead (2004 remake) - She having a baby! directed by Zack Snyder

3. 28 Days Later - The real monsters are men. directed by Danny Boyle

4. Army of the Dead - Escape from Las Vegas, a zombie heist movie. directed by Zack Snyder

5. It Stains the Sands Red - The real monsters are men.

6. Shaun of the Dead - A zombie comedy - let's go to the pub for a drink!

7. Train to Busan - South Korean zombie masterpiece, run!

8. Shock Waves - The soggy undead.

9. Zombie (Lucio Fulci's 1979 film) - eyeball splinter! 

10. The Sadness - It's a bloody one!


Favourite Vampire Films

1. Fright Night (1985) - What's going on next door?

2. The Lost Boys - Noodles or worms? directed by Joel Schumacher

3. Martin - George A. Romero did more than zombie films.

4. Dracula (1931) - Bela Lugosi will always be Dracula for me. After this, go watch "Ed Wood"

5. Let the Right One In (2008) - Kids will be kids

6. 30 Days of Night - Vampires go hang out in Alaska

7. Daybreakers - In a world of vampires they are running out of human blood

8. Near Dark - vampires in a van! directed by Kathryn Bigelow

9. The Hunger - David Bowie, Susan Sarandon, and Catherine Deneuve get sexy directed by Tony Scott

10. Vampire's Kiss - Watch a very young Nic Cage is one of his best roles

Favourite (Scary) Stephen King Movies

1. Misery - A writer finds unexpected motivation for his next novel. directed by Rob Reiner

2. IT (2017) parts 1 and 2 - Sewer clown; nobody really likes a sewer clown.

3. The Shining - A writer is suffering from a bad case of writer's block. directed by Stanley Kubrick

4. The Dead Zone - The future looks grim. directed by David Cronenberg

5. Carrie - Worst prom date ever. directed by Brian De Palma

6. 1408 - You will want your room upgraded.

7. The Mist - The ending will haunt you. 

8. Creepshow - George A. Romero did more than zombie films.

9. Christine - A bad case of road rage - directed by John Carpenter

10. Children of the Corn - Kids will be kids

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Pearl (and X)

I watched the movie "X" this summer. What's it about? It's set in 1979. A group of young folks head off to a rented farmhouse to make a pornographic film. Somebody comes along and chops them up. It's your typical slasher film and it's well done for what it is. It's great Midnight Madness stuff; gory, bloody "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" with a touch of "Evil Dead" and a splash of "Lake Placid." "X" is a fun horror movie but I didn't think it was blog worthy. I gave it a B+. It's made the hounorable mention list for 2022. 
So when I heard that "Pearl" was a prequel to "X" and it was released in the same year, I was more than curious. I was expecting more of the same. And I got that, sort of. What I was surprised about was the film's audacity. Director Ti West has birthed a cinephile monster infused with film DNA. In other words, this is a movie made by someone who knows movies and loves film as much as I do. It's also a bloody, gory Midnight Madness movie but as arty and well crafted as any Tarantino picture (the open title freeze frame credit was gold).. "Pearl" has the taboo sexuality of "The Wicker Man" and a "Wizard of Oz" 1940s almost goofy innocence - the colour of the picture is old school vivid, like a Doris Day picture. What's "Pearl" all about? It's about young Pearl, who dreams of being a dancing star and leaving the misery of the family farm; her cruel and overbearing German mother and her wheelchair bound incapacitated father. Pearl is played by Mia Goth (she is also the star of "X" but as a different character). Let me tell you, Mia Goth has given us an Oscar worthy performance. The speech she delivers near the end of the film was a remarkable for not only it's rich emotive qualities but also for it's long duration. I said to myself, "Wow, this kid is something else." Catch "Pearl" in a theatre near you and then go catch "X" on streaming services. It's a bloody good time.     

Tuesday, September 13, 2022


There is always one horror movie which stands out as the clear winner of the year (and this year is far from over and Halloween is just around the corner). I'm guessing "Barbarian" will be my favourite horror film of 2022. What's it all about? Well, without giving away any more than what's in the trailer, I will sum it up like this: An Airbnb mix-up, in the burned-out ghetto of the Detroit suburbs, leads two strangers into the creepiest, scariest, don't-go-down-there basement adventures of all time. This film has serious mommy issues. It stars some horror movie favourites; Bill SkarsgĂ„rd (he was Pennywise in the latest movie adaption of "It") and Justin Long (one of the stars of "Jeepers Creepers" (I loved "Jeepers Creepers" - if you are looking for a Halloween movie, check out 1 & 2, they are both great)). Justin Long plays  AJ, a narcissistic actor who is accused of sexual misconduct. Watching AJ calculate extra square footage is one of the best things you will see all year. "Barbarian" also stars relative newcomer, Georgina Campbell as Tess. Tess is put through horror movie hell - she takes it like a champ. The movie is not only scary as hell, it's also funny as hell, and well put together - it's smart and leaves the audience to put the pieces together. Get your Halloween funk on and catch this one in a very dark theatre near you.  

Thursday, September 8, 2022

The Bear

If you have every worked in a restaurant, then Hulu's show "The Bear" will ring true - Ding, order up. It stars Jeremy Allen White as Carmen (you might know him as Lip on "Shameless"). Carmen has come back to Chicago after the death of his brother by suicide to run the family restaurant - a sandwich shop with colourful characters both outside and in. Carmen isn't just anyone, he is one of the world's best chefs and he wants to turn the failing business into something great - maybe as a way of repairing his relationship with his dead brother. The show is packed with flavourful characters who all feel 3D and real. The best of which is  Ebon Moss-Bachrach as cousin Richie. Ebon's performance is a Golden Globe worthy one of a best supporting actor - I can't say enough about how good he is. And Jeremy Allen White, well he seems to be channeling Dustin Hoffman - I mean this in the best possible way. Each episode clocks in under 30 minutes and each one is a piece of tapis that will leave you satisfied but craving more. Episode seven "Review" was like riding a rollercoaster - intense, manic, and I felt breathless after it was over. I loved this show. Catch it streaming in Canada on Disney+.    

Monday, September 5, 2022

Emily the Criminal

I love heist pictures. I don't remember the last one I saw that I enjoyed as much as I did with "Emily the Criminal." If pressed, "Drive" would be the last one which might compare. What's it all about? It's about Emily (Aubrey Plaza - who is fabulous) who is saddled with almost unmanageable student debt, who works at a food catering business delivering eats to office parties and the like. She can't seem to get ahead because she has a DUI and an assault charge sticking to her like a sign saying "Do not hire this woman." Her co-worker offers her a number to call for $200 for an hours work to thank her for covering his shift. She calls. Turns out it's to buy a TV with a stolen credit card. She does it, gets the money, then they offer her more. More money, higher stakes. Emily and one of her new criminal bosses, Youcef (Theo Rossi) form a relationship as Emily embraces the life of credit card fraud. All good things must come to an end - and the end is great. I loved "Emily the Criminal" and was glued to it. Catch this one in rep cinemas before it gets away. 

Thirteen Lives

So if you haven't watched the National Geographic documentary, The Rescue, then this is your chance to watch the remarkable dramatization by director Ron Howard, starring Viggo Mortensen and Colin Farrell. I loved "The Rescue" and I'm not sure there was a need to make a dramatization, however they did, and well, it's one of the best films of the year. What's it all about? This is the true story of a young soccer team and their coach (13 of them) who became trapped in a lengthy Thailand cave when the monsoon rains came early and floated the cave - this is the tale of how they were rescued. It's truly a fascinating and almost unbelieve tale of survival. Viggo Mortensen is as good as I have ever seen him and Colin Farrell, the same - lots of walking around in wetsuits and looking pensive but they do it oh-so-well. If you are claustrophobic, this one gets real tight and you might find it hard to breathe. Catch it on Amazon Prime.