Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Grizzlies

You could argue that this is just another white-man saviour movie and in some sense you wouldn't be wrong. What is The Grizzlies all about? You could say it's about a privileged white guy who goes up North to the Arctic and teaches down and out Indigenous kids about Lacrosse. That would be an oversimplification. It's also an unflinching look at Indigenous life in Nunavut. The film addresses teen suicide, poverty, and the affects of the residential school system have had on generations of Canada's Indigenous people. It's also a fantastic underdog sports story. And it based on true events.

I find often that Canadian films look terrible. I can't explain it, they just have a horrible CBC look to them - like they were cheaply made. The Grizzlies isn't like that at all. It's really good, well acted, and the dialogue, for the most part, sounds authentic. If you see one Canadian film this year, make sure it's The Grizzlies. This snowy tale warmed my heart.
In Ottawa, catch it at Imagine Cinemas Ottawa. Catch it at a rep cinema near you.

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