Friday, August 27, 2021

Raging Fire

After having watched The Raid 2 and The Villainess, two of the best action films (out of Indonesia and Korea respectively) in the last decade, I thought I wouldn't see anything comparable for years. Wrong. Raging Fire stars martial artist Donnie Yen (of Ip Man fame or maybe you know him as the blind Jedi Monk from Rogue One). Donnie Yen is 58 years old. 58. He moves like a man in the prime of his twenties. He is rather remarkable. In Raging Fire he plays a cop (Bong). Bong's moral integrity has cost him promotions at work. It also sent six of his fellow officers to prison for beating a kidnapper to death. Bong could have lied and colleagues would have walked. But no, Bong's a moral man. So these cops, they served their time and now they are out and want revenge on Bong and the rest of the police department. That's about all the plot I need to explain. There is lots of shmaltzy melodrama mixed in, typical of many Asian action films - it's part of the charm if you ask me. So now onto the the action. Bananas! None stop gun fire, car chases, and hand to hand martial arts ass kicking! It's a blast. It will be hands down the best action film you see this year and maybe for the next several. Catch it where and when you can. 

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