Friday, September 6, 2024


It's a rare thing for me to watch animated films. I don't seek them out. "Coraline" came out in 2009 when my kids were three and five, so it was overlooked as something I might take them too. Fast forward to 2024 and my now eighteen year old son's girlfriend asks me, have you seen "Coraline?" To which my answer was a polite and simple, "No." I didn't bother to be snooty about it. In my head it was something like, "Little girl, I watch films, not cartoons." I kept my inner snob hidden. But then I was down at my local video store, Movies 'N Stuff, and the owner, Peter told me he had just gone to see "Coraline" in 3D. "Is it any good?" I asked. "What? You've never seen it? It's great." (I feel like this line has been used by me and every other film nerd a million times). Peter has movies for sale (and rent) at his store. There was a copy of "Coraline" for $5. I purchased. I watched. Now I blog about it because it was wonderful. What's it all about? This stop motion film is about a girl, Coraline who moves into a creepy old house with her writer parents who have no time for her. She discovers a hidden door to an alternate version of her world, where her parents are attentive to all her needs and cook her favourite foods. The only thing is they have black buttons for eyes. Then things get dark, so dark it's almost not for kids. But it is. This isn't Disney, so it isn't cutesy. The amination has this grungy DYI feel to it. It's so creative and interesting and thus felt surprisingly fresh. The closest thing I could compare it to is if you crossed Tim Burton with "Wallace and Gromit" and threw in a little Loony Toons. I loved the story and all the side characters. If you haven't see it ("What? You haven't seen it?) then this is something to watch during this Halloween season. Button up!

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