Friday, September 30, 2022

Halloween 2022 - Special Horror Film Post

Well with my favourite holiday season around the corner, Halloween, I thought I would give you a few lists of what you might want to watch this October.

Let's start with a list (Thirty!) of my

Favourite horror movies of all time:

1. John Carpenter's The Thing - My favourite horror movie of all time. "I suggest we prepare our own meals and only eat out of cans." I'm sure this is a phrase we used during the COVID pandemic. If you have never watched this one, you are in for something special. Kurt Russell battles a space monster in Antarctica.

2. Jaws. Not only one of my favourite horror movies but one of my favourtie movies of all time. You are going to need a bigger bowl of popcorn.

3. Alien - Ridley Scott's other space masterpiece ("Blade Runner" being the first).

4. Halloween - this one gave me nightmares for months when I was a kid. There might be a few follow up films I believe (wink). directed by John Carpenter

5. The Shining - Check into the Overlook Hotel and have a bath. directed by Stanley Kubrick

6. The Conjuring - Let's play the clap game! directed by James Wan

7. Poltergeist - Ghosts are unhappy with urban sprawl directed by Tobe Hooper

8. Silence of the Lambs - Enjoy this one with your favourite Chianti. directed by Jonathan Demme

9. Nightmare on Elm Street - Don't fall asleep, bitch! directed by Wes Craven

10. Invasion of Body Snatchers (1978) - People turn into Mr. Spock, starring Spock. 

11. Hereditary - Allergy alert! This one is nuts! 

12. The Babadook - Your favourite kid's book!

13. Jeepers Creepers - Scarecrows are mean and scary. 

14. Barbarian - The worst dark basement adventure ever.

15. Psycho - Check into the Bates Motel and have a shower. directed by Alfred Hitchcock

16. The Ring - Girl in well needs a haircut and makeover 

17. Crawl - Competitive swimmer finds the right motivational coach 

18. Don't Breathe - Home invasion goes wrong, get out the turkey baster.

19. Us - Home invasion with red jumpsuits, "Siri, call the police" directed by Jordan Peele

20. Saw - "I want to play a game." No thanks! directed by James Wan

21. Dead Ringers - Twin gynecologists do drugs and have sex. directed by David Cronenberg

22. Hellraiser - The Rubik's Cube from hell! directed by Clive Barker

23. The Cell - visually breathtaking, J Lo and Vince Vaughn go into the mind of a serial killer

24. Event Horizon - Black holes drive people nuts!

25. Freaks (1932) - Cirque du Soleil, not!

26. The Manitou - Tony Curtis (Jamie Lee's dad) was in this bananas horror movie

27. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors - I just love this one!

28. The Fly (1986) - Scientist and fly have a bromance. directed by David Cronenberg

29. Scream - tips on how to survive a horror movie. directed by Wes Craven

30. Evil Dead II - relaxing with a book at the cottage. directed by Sam Raimi

Favourite Zombie Films

1. Night of the Living Dead (1968) - The real monsters are racists. This is the film which gave us our contemporary version of the zombie. This is George A. Romero's classic and it's brilliant. 

2. Dawn of the Dead (2004 remake) - She having a baby! directed by Zack Snyder

3. 28 Days Later - The real monsters are men. directed by Danny Boyle

4. Army of the Dead - Escape from Las Vegas, a zombie heist movie. directed by Zack Snyder

5. It Stains the Sands Red - The real monsters are men.

6. Shaun of the Dead - A zombie comedy - let's go to the pub for a drink!

7. Train to Busan - South Korean zombie masterpiece, run!

8. Shock Waves - The soggy undead.

9. Zombie (Lucio Fulci's 1979 film) - eyeball splinter! 

10. The Sadness - It's a bloody one!


Favourite Vampire Films

1. Fright Night (1985) - What's going on next door?

2. The Lost Boys - Noodles or worms? directed by Joel Schumacher

3. Martin - George A. Romero did more than zombie films.

4. Dracula (1931) - Bela Lugosi will always be Dracula for me. After this, go watch "Ed Wood"

5. Let the Right One In (2008) - Kids will be kids

6. 30 Days of Night - Vampires go hang out in Alaska

7. Daybreakers - In a world of vampires they are running out of human blood

8. Near Dark - vampires in a van! directed by Kathryn Bigelow

9. The Hunger - David Bowie, Susan Sarandon, and Catherine Deneuve get sexy directed by Tony Scott

10. Vampire's Kiss - Watch a very young Nic Cage is one of his best roles

Favourite (Scary) Stephen King Movies

1. Misery - A writer finds unexpected motivation for his next novel. directed by Rob Reiner

2. IT (2017) parts 1 and 2 - Sewer clown; nobody really likes a sewer clown.

3. The Shining - A writer is suffering from a bad case of writer's block. directed by Stanley Kubrick

4. The Dead Zone - The future looks grim. directed by David Cronenberg

5. Carrie - Worst prom date ever. directed by Brian De Palma

6. 1408 - You will want your room upgraded.

7. The Mist - The ending will haunt you. 

8. Creepshow - George A. Romero did more than zombie films.

9. Christine - A bad case of road rage - directed by John Carpenter

10. Children of the Corn - Kids will be kids

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