Wednesday, August 28, 2019


This South Korean film took me by big surprise. I had a strong feeling just after the halfway point I would be writing about this one for the blog. I don't think I've seen anything like this since I watched another South Korean film entitled Oldboy (which was remade for American audiences, staring Josh Brolin). What's it all about? Well it's a about a poor family that poorly assembles pizza boxes in their home for money. They don't make pizzas, they just assemble the boxes. Their son Ki-woo gets a tutoring job for the daughter of a very wealthy family. From there he manages to get his sister a job as a fake art therapist for the rich couple's son. Pretty soon the whole family has weaseled their way into the wealthy home - our pizza box family manages to get the current driver and house maid fired and the pizza dad and mom take over these positions. It's a dark comedy that takes a strange twist when the rich family returns unexpectedly from a soggy camping trip. Boy oh boy is it bananas. It's funny, twisted, and rather sad. It kept my full attention. I need you to watch it so we can talk about it. It's coming to theaters soon. Catch it when it does.

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