Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Art of Self-Defense

I wasn't going to write about this one but it stuck with me long after it was over and that's usually a good sign. I have known multiple friends over the years who have participated in various martial arts classes, Karate, Jiu Jitsu, etc., and I even have a few who teach them. I put my kids in Jiu Jitsu. They bowed out at a certain point. There is a whole culture of discipline, rituals (no shoes on the mat!), and dress that goes with martial arts clubs and all of it gets relentlessly mocked in "The Art of Self-Defense." Jesse Eisenberg plays Casey, an introverted nerd accountant who gets badly beat up by a mysterious motorcycle gang. Post hospital recovery, he stumbles across a Karate martial arts Dojo. There he enrolls in classes. His instructor, Sensei, is everything Casey wants to be; a man's man. Sensei tells Casey he shouldn't be learning the French language because the French always surrender, he should be learning a language like Russian or German. He tells Casey he should also be listening to metal, as in the musical genre, metal. It's ridiculous and hilarious and if you are looking for a goofy dark comedy that punches like a kick, The Art of Self-Defense is your movie. Catch it at a rep cinema near you.

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