Friday, February 14, 2020

Dark Waters

Those hairy Teflon pans you might be using, you might want to throw those out. Then again, they will end up in a landfill and that will eventually end up in our water supply. Maybe. What is this movie all about? It's the true story of Rob Bilott (Mark Ruffalo) who, as our story begins, is a cooperate lawyer working for, who else, a large chemical company. Rob's grandma, well she is friends with this farmer fellow. This farmer fellow, well his cows got real sick and died on him; 190 dead cows. The farmer knew it was the water but he couldn't seem to get any help with the issue. "Go see my grandson, maybe he can help you," suggested Rob's grandma. And so that's how Rob began to investigate the company DuPont. DuPont makes, among other things, Teflon. Teflon was designed to waterproof tanks. Then somebody got the good sense to coat our frying pans with the stuff. C8 - Rob Bilott in the movie is told what that is, and thus so is the movie audience -Perfluorooctanoic acid. Basically 8 carbon molecules strung together and the shit is unbreakable. Don't eat it or you might get cancer and die. 99% of people on the planet have this stuff floating around in their bloodstream. Thanks DuPont. But my eggs don't stick, right? Catch this one on streaming services.

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