Friday, February 7, 2020

Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer

Well this is about a dark as it gets. Warning!, before reading on, this might be one of the most disturbing documentaries I've ever watched. It's also one of the most fascinating things I have ever seen. What is it all about? It's about Canadian murderer Luka Magnotta. Remember this asshole? He killed Jun Lin, a Chinese student. Magnotta then dismembered Lin's body and mailed pieces of him all over Canada. This is gruesome stuff. This three part Netflix documentary is about the online hunting Luka Magnotta. His disturbing quest for fame led him to post his torture and killing of kittens online. Posting videos of killing kittens, well that pissed a lot of people off. It pissed off Deanna Thompson and John Green to the extreme, where they made it their life's work to go and catch this guy.Hence the title, "Don't F**k with Cats." These two are the main focus of the documentary.Deanna Thompson is one smart lady and John Green is one smart guy. They devoted almost all of their spare time to dissecting Magnotta's videos, frame by sick and twisted frame, in order to catch him. What makes this documentary so fascinating is how they go about their research and their passion for doing it. It's disheartening to know people like Magnotta exist, but it's highly comforting to know that there are people like Deanna and John out there too. If you are into true crime, it doesn't get more interesting than this. Catch it on Netflix.

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